Home / Blog / Benedict Pringle is taking a break from the Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising.

Benedict Pringle is taking a break from the Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising.

Alex Tait

Benedict Pringle co-founder of the Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising is taking a break day to day engagement on the initiative to the end of the year. We’ll be welcoming him back in January 2020.

The Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising is a not for profit run by volunteers passionate about the need for reform in political advertising. We are politically neutral and welcome volunteers with views from across the political spectrum. If you are interested in getting involved in the campaign please contact alex.tait@reformpoliticaladvertising.org.

Make a donation

We are not for profit and are run by unpaid volunteers. We rely on donations to continue our work. Please donate to our campaign here.

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Add your name to our many supporters that want change.