‘He [Sadiq Khan]’s had over 100 teenagers murdered on the streets of London’ does not appear to be accurate according to Met Police data and by the BBC
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Vi har nu både en pledge för vår kampanj såväl som ett övergripande ramverk för reform inom politisk annonsering.

22nd August 2019
English, Español, Norsk, Svenska Den här sidan håller på att översättas till 10 olika språk. När vi i maj förra året startadeKoalitionen för reform inom politisk annonsering(The Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising) i Storbritannien fanns det, såvitt vi kunde se, inga andra p…

Blog posts about the Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising

22nd August 2019

We now have a campaign pledge as well as an overall framework for international political ad reform

6th August 2019
English, Español, Norsk, Svenska We are in the process of translating this page into 10 languages. We started the Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising in the UK in May last year when, so far as we could see, there was no other plan for reform. Our campaign has developed rapidly since…

The Green Party supports the Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising

17th July 2019
We are delighted that The Green Party has announced it is supporting our campaign to reform political advertising. A barrier to change historically has been the political parties agreeing to reforming the rules around political advertising.  The Green Party’s support adds significant pressure to…

The Government’s response to the DCMS Disinformation and & Fake News report is significant further progress for our campaign

9th May 2019
A key milestone in our campaign The Government’s long-awaited response to the DCMS’s Disinformation and Fake News Inquiry was issued yesterday. This is an important milestone for our campaign, launched in May 2018, because the committee, chaired by Damian Collins MP, has conducted a thorough, …

The Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising’s campaign pledge for responsible election campaigning

29th April 2019
We are acutely aware that there could be a snap general election or decision to have a second referendum in the rest of the year. The Government’s response to the DCMS Disinformation & “Fake News” inquiry has positively announced some legislation for political ad reform. However, as the committ…

Ett internationellt ramverk för reform av politisk annonsering och reklam

26th April 2019
Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Norsk, عربى, 中文, 日本人, По-русски, Italiana, Svenska, Română I maj 2018 startade vi Koalitionen för reform inom politisk annonsering (The Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising). Vid den tidpunkten fanns, så vitt vi visste,…
26th April 2019
Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Norsk, عربى, 中文, 日本人, По-русски, Italiana, Svenska, Română Nel maggio dello scorso anno abbiamo deciso di formare la Coalizione per la Riforma della Pubblicita’ Politica (“Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising”) in un…

Un cadru internațional pentru reforma politică a anunțurilor

18th April 2019
Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Norsk, عربى, 中文, 日本人, По-русски, Italiana, Svenska, Română Am început Coaliția pentru reforma in publicitatea politica (Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising) în luna mai a anului trecut, când, din câte știam, nu exi…

Benedict Pringle is taking a break from the Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising.

15th April 2019
Benedict Pringle co-founder of the Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising is taking a break day to day engagement on the initiative to the end of the year. We’ll be welcoming him back in January 2020. The Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising is a not for profit run by voluntee…


14th April 2019
Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Norsk, عربى, 中文, 日本人, По-русски, Italiana, Svenska, Română Мы организовали движение за реформу в политической рекламе в мае прошлого года, когда, наскол…

Et internasjonalt rammeverk for reform av politiske annonser

12th April 2019
Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Norsk, عربى, 中文, 日本人, По-русски, Italiana, Svenska, Română Vi startet koalisjonen for reform av politisk annonsering i mai i fjor da, så vidt vi visste, det ikke var planer om endring. Vår kampanje har utviklet seg i et raskt tem…


12th April 2019
Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Norsk, عربى, 中文, 日本人, По-русски, Italiana, Svenska, Română 私たちは昨年の5月、政治広告改革連合を始めました。私たちが知る限り、当時、政治広告改革の計画はありませんでした。それ…

Um modelo internacional para a reforma de propagandas políticas

12th April 2019
Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Norsk, عربى, 中文, 日本人, По-русски, Italiana, Svenska, Română A Coalizão para a Reforma da Propaganda Políticateve início em maio do ano passado, quando, até onde sabemos, não havia nenhum plano para reformas. Nossa campanha se d…

إطار دولي لإصلاح الإعلانات السياسية

8th April 2019
Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Norsk, عربى, 中文, 日本人, По-русски, Italiana, Svenska, Română خطة لإصلاحها. وتطورت حملتنا بوتيرة سريعة منذ ذلك الحين. وكان من بين أوائل الداعمين لأهدافنا ال…


8th April 2019
Deutsch, Français, Español, Português, Norsk, عربى, 中文, 日本人, По-русски, Italiana, Svenska, Română 去年五月,我们启动了政治广告改革联盟,那个时候据我们所知,还没有任何改革政治广告的计划。从那时起,我们的宣传活动发…