Home / Blog / Our review of the 2023 local elections “Lies, Defamation, Deceit and Incompetence”

Our review of the 2023 local elections “Lies, Defamation, Deceit and Incompetence”

Alex Tait

You can download for free our fourth review of electoral advertising below.

If the type seems a little heavier and the tone a little angrier, it’s because the keyboard is being hit a little harder and the writers are indeed a little madder.

Reform Political Advertising is a non-profit, politically neutral organisation which does, or tries to do, what it says on the tin. 

We rely on unpaid volunteers but have some modest costs that we need to cover to continue our campaign. If you feel as passionately as us about preventing lies in electoral advertising distorting democracy please read this blog and consider donating.

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We are not for profit and are run by unpaid volunteers. We rely on donations to continue our work. Please donate to our campaign here.

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