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The Women’s Equality Party announces support for the Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising

Alex Tait

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We are delighted that the Women’s Equality Party has today announced that it supports our campaign to modernise the outdated rules around political advertising.

In support of the campaign Mandu Reid, the Interim Leader of the Women’s Equality Party, stated:

“The Women’s Equality Party is committed to using technology for good, but while our analogue laws drift further from people’s digital realities, there is too much potential for technology being used to spread disinformation to manipulate people in ever more targeted ways. We therefore support the aims of Coalition for Reform’s campaign.
Parliament must put aside political motivations for unfettered digital advertising campaigns, and grapple with legislation to regulate the content of online advertising and the ways it is targeted to people. Otherwise it risks the electorate’s already low trust in politics being further eroded.”

Alex Tait, Co-founder of the Coalition for Reform in Political Advertising commented:

“We are absolutely delighted to have the support of the Women’s Equality Party. Is there any reason why any political party won’t support what we are advocating as part of their election campaign? Even the Chair and CEO of the Advertising Association said earlier this week in a Lord’s committee there should be rules to stop lies in political advertising. With the current toxic environment we have around politics the modernisation of the rules around political ads has never been more urgent.”

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